》【HP limited】Weekday/Saturday/Sunday prices are the same*
For a limited time ! *Except New Year's Eve holidays
Stay:From now until 2024.2.31
Original Rate ║ Weekdays ║ Holidays
│Business Single NT$4,400 ║ NT$3,000 ║ NT$3,300 NT$3,000
│Deluex Single NT$4,800 ║ NT$3,300 ║ NT$3,600 NT$3,300
│Deluex Twin NT$5,200 ║ NT$3,600 ║ NT$3,900 NT$3,600
│Standard Suite NT$5,400 ║ NT$3,720 ║ NT$4,020 NT$3,720
│Family Suite NT$6,600 ║ NT$4,590 ║ NT$4,890 NT$4,590
│Deluex Suite NT$5,600 ║ NT$3,900 ║ NT$4,200 NT$3,900
│VIP Suite NT$6,000 ║ NT$4,000 ║ NT$4,300 NT$4,000
│KYOTO Suite NT$9,000 ║ NT$5,700 ║ NT$6,000 NT$5,700
■The hotel reserves the right to explain and adjust the plan.