【✦Deluxe Single】
As you step in, you shall be attracted by the elegant and warm quality made from the checked framed bed-head-board complied with gentle and comfortable golden-and-white bedding, the mellow light as well as the marbled bathing space.
(*A maximum of 1 people can be accommodated, and the second person will be charged NT$600/night)
Today:295 / Yesterday:455
※ 38 Chang Chun Rd, Taipei City 104010, Taiwan(R.O.C.)
※ Tel:+886-2-2567-3366
※ Fax:+886-2-2567-3388
※ http://www.kyotohotel.com.tw
※ Mail:kyoto.hotel@msa.hinet.net;jessicayu0523@gmail.com;angelhuangjun@yahoo.com.tw
※ Hotel business registration: